Career Assessment
Career Education


Make Keenly Intellectual Career Choice & Design Your Superpowerful Career With the Help of Our Tremendously Potent & Highly Accurate “Triple Power 360° VIP Career Assessment!”

Career Ho Kaisa?

VIP Jaisa!

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The perfectly matched career domain and the meticulously and skillfully designed VIP career development path not only ensures the career success but it also helps one in leading an affluent and holistically abundant life. During the developmental phase of Jezzals VIP Career Assessment, many products and services offered by the different players in the market were analysed by us and we found a big gap and wide area for improvement in the currently available career assessment solutions in the market. Almost all the career assessments available in the exposition presently cover either a single dimension or raw and unreliable dimensions to assess the career.

The dimensions enveloped by the products and the solutions offered currently by the National and International players in the career fitness domain include either “Pure Science” which covers the aspect of Psychometrics comprising of personality, IQ & similar traits or “Vedic Science” which relies on career signals to predict and generate the phychic career fit solutions. ...

With an aim to provide the unparalleled, unique and most powerful career selection tools to the prevailing and future generations to come, we undertook in-depth exploration for many years in all these areas. As an outcome of our deep research, we eventually identified that the three major areas comprising of "Psychometrics, Brain Potency and the Power of our Ancient Rich Vedas" together form the most potent trinity to provide the career fitness domain. Hence, we combined all these three powers to coin the superpowerful "Jezzal's VIP Career Assessment". This career assessment is immensely powerful to generate the nectar out of you in form of your genuine potential and to provide you the most appropriate career fit solutions.

Jezzal's VIP Career Assessment is a three in one career assessment which is an exotic blend of triple power- Psychometrics Power, Vedic Power and Brain Power. This asssessment aims to refine the greenhorns and mid career professionals for eventually channelizing them to an appropriate career path. It genuinely evaluates their innate talents, abilities, interests and hundreds of other individual factors to undertake the complete 360° career potency view from all the assessee possible career assessment angles and dimensions.

Testing tools and techniques are developed in consultation with the Polished Psychometricians, Vedic Science Experts and in connection with BIA- The Guinness World Record Holder in the dimension of Mind Power Techniques. The Triple Power Assessment is skillfully crafted by deploying the advanced algorithms and by blending the AI powered standardized iterations and is avaliable on our SASS enabled VIP Career Assessment Platform.

Attention Junior Hi-School (8th, 9th, 10th Grader)/ Senior Hi-School (11th, 12th Grader)/ College Student!!!
Identify the Best Fit Stream, Subjects, Courses, Industries, Career Role, Work Domain and Much More for Yourself !
Start the Jezzal's VIP Career (Triple Power 360° Career Assessment) for
Enter Your Email Id

Attention Career Professional!!!
Entry Level/ Mid Level/ Senior Level Professional

Identify the Best Fit Industry/ Career Role/ Work Domain and Much More for Yourself !
Start the Jezzal's VIP Career (Triple Power 360° Career Assessment) for
Enter Your Email Id

Identify the Most Appropriate and Compatible Business Name/ Work Organisation Name/ Personal Name/ Industry Fit/ Work Domain Fit/ Elemental Frequency Match and Much More for Ensuring Personal and Professional Success!

Start the Jezzal's VIP Career (Universal Power Career Assessment)!
Get Going with the “Organisational Compatibility Check” for

Enter Your Email Id
Enter Your Name in English Enter Your Work Organisation's Name in English
Enter Your Name in Hindi (Optional) Enter Your Work Organisation's Name in Hindi (Optional)

Note: It's Recommended to Enter Your Name and Work Organisation's Name in English and Hindi Both to get 100% Accurate Results.

Attention Business Owner!!!

Identify the Most Appropriate Business Name/ Work Partners/ Industry Fit/ Product Fit/ Services Fit/ Logo/ Punchline and Much More for Your Business!
Start the Jezzal's VIP Career (Universal Power Career Assessment)!
Get Going with the “Business Name Compatibility Check” for

Enter Your Email Id
Enter Your Name in English Enter the Registered Business Name in English
Enter Your Name in Hindi (Optional) Enter the Registered Business Name in Hindi (Optional)

Note: It's Recommended to Enter Your Name and Business Name in English and Hindi Both to get 100% Accurate Results.


image note here Webinar on Effective Presentation Skills


Our Membership Programmes

image note here VIP Career Assessment and Community Membership for High-School Junior Wing (8th, 9th and 10th Class Students)

image note here VIP Career Assessment and Community Membership for High-School (Senior Wing- Class 11th and 12th) and In-College Students.

image note here VIP Career Assessment and Community Membership for College Finishers (Freshers) and Working Professionals

Our Clients

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