


The Founder of Jezzal, Dr. Joaya Agnani is a highly qualified and experienced professional with the various Academic Degrees, Diplomas and Certifications to her credit. She is Triple Post Graduate in Management, Banking and Commerce spheres, UGC-NET Qualified,  has been awarded Doctorate in Management and holds a couple of Diplomas in the Vedic Science domain. With over 20+ years of wide experience in working with the topmost business corporates, academic organisations and running her own entrepreneurial venture, she has acquired an equitable blend of academic and corporate exposure. She has worked with diverse organisations belonging to Management, Education and IT domain where-in she proved her mettle in almost all the areas of her operation. During her work course she was recognised by the employers for her exceptional performance and for delivering the supreme results. She undertook distinct roles and positions in her work organisations ranging from teaching, training, management, administration to being at the top level decision making positions in the multiple organisational setups. Due to this, she has developed a versatile and exceptional expertise in the stated areas over a period of time.


On the intellectual front, many of her research papers are published in the National and International Journals of high repute and she has presented many research papers in the area of Management, Finance and Banking in the Regional, National and International Conferences. After attaining the diverse and robust experience in the academic and corporate world, she tuned to the new role of Sociopreneur wherein the foundation of her dream organisation was laid down in the year 2013. Initially the organisation was registered as an NGO and started with  social upliftment activities coupled with skills training programmes of Government of India. Later on in the year 2015, the organisation added yet another feather to its operation by comming up with it's commercial wing. Under this wing, the Career Training and Publication verticals were honed. It was since this time that she started generating many queries from the parents and students of diverse cardres regarding appropriate subject, stream and career selection. As a result of her high research aptitude and intense pursuit of excellence which keeps her on toes to pioneer the new and innovative solutions to the given problems, her journey to design a robust and perfect solution to resolve the pressing issue of career fitness began in the year 2017. 


As per Dr. Joaya Agnani “The perfectly matched career domain and the meticulously designed career development path not only ensures the career success, but it also helps one in leading an affluent and holistically abundant life.” During her intense pursuit for crafting appropriate career selection tools and techniques, she came across diverse products and services offered by the major players in the market. Through their indeapth analysis, she found a big gap and a wide area for improvement in their quality and validity. Post to the comprehensive analysis of all the relevant solutions available in the market, she noticed that most of them covered either a singal dimension or raw and unreliable dimensions of career assessment. The features enveloped by the products and the solutions offered currently by the National and International players in the career fitness domain include either "PURE SCIENCE" which covers the aspect of Psychometrics comprising of Personality Type, IQ & Similar Traits; VEDIC SCIENCE” which majorly considers the Cosmic Signals as the career pointer, or raw and unreliable dimensions such as "FINGERPRINT/ DNA TESTS".


With an aim to fill the gap in the career identification domain, she geared up to develop the viable solutions for the career progression aspirants. In-order to meticulously combine and design the most reliable career pointing tools and techniques, she undertook in-depth research for which she read dozens of books and got engaged in the courses on Vedic Science, Psychometrics and Brain Science domain. The Chinese DMIT fingerprint testing software was also comprehensively analysed by her on which many ignorant people were relying blindly at that time. After applying it on many career aspirants, she came to the conclusion that the identified individual traits with this software were not relatively in tandem with the persona of the sample population and were giving vague and unreliable results. This test is majorly woven around Howard Gardner's MIT Theory which is largely used world wide to train the students according to their personality type. According to her, the theory holds good for identifying the learner's dominat grasping style with the help of which appropriate teaching and training pedagogy for them can be largely developed, but connecting it with our fixed finger print patterns which are used to validate our unique identity is not at all convincing. Moreover the results drawn through her sample testing also brought her to the conclusion that this technique is completely unreliable. Furthermore, in context of applying DNA tests for career identification, she opines that each individual is unique and is largely influenced by the external stimulus and the dwelling environment. Connecting one's career with the ancisterial/ genetic liniage is not at all moralistic and desirable. Hence both, the DMIT as well as the DNA tests were dropped from the jezzal's Career Solution Mix as the major quest of VIP Career Aseesment was to combine the most appropriate and potent tools and techniques for devising the accurate career solutions for the aspirants.


Later on in the year 2019, DMIT was critized and denounced even by the Indian Psychiatric Society which is the largest reprentative body of psychiatrists and mental health professionals in India. It cleary stated in its circular dated 25th Sept 2019 that DMIT is not based on scientific evidence and is not useful for intelligence testing, brain lobe function testing and predicting future behaviour. This inference is similar to the indepth research conducted by her in the year 2017-18 in which she opined that DMIT is not potent to produce the apropriate career fitness solutions. Moving further towards the DNA test, accepting it as a career identification tool was and is still a topic of big debate wherein most of the elite and logical minds in the society critically conceptualize it as immoral. Resultantly, to explore and design the most reliable and accurate career fit solutions for the current and future generations to come became her main motto. After completing her in-depth research for almost 6 years, it is finally concluded by her with the team of experts that there are three most reliable areas bearing high calibre to provide appropriate and reliable career fitness solutions. These areas comprise of Brain Science, Psychometrics and Vedic Science. 


Eventually, the exorbitant career fitness and career guidance solutions are developed by Jezzal in consultation with the Polished Psychometricians, Vedic Science Experts and in connection with BIA- The Guinness World Record Holder in the dimesion of Mind Power Techniques. The Triple Power 360° VIP Career Assessment is characterized as "Jezzal's VIP Career" which is an exotic blend of all the three most reliable sciences- Brain Science, Psychometrics and Vedic Science. All these three dimensions are combined meticulously and appropriately by the cutting edge technology wherein the immensely powerful Advanced Algorithems and AI Itearations produce the efficient, consistent, most accurate, and higly reliable results on the SAAS platform. Presently, Dr. Joaya Agnani's focus lies precisely on providing unparalleled and sustainable career solutions. She is on a mission to help Hi-School Teens, In-College Students, College Finishers (Freshers) and Mid Career Professionals (Career Changers) to provide the best career selection and career development solutions and to aid the body corporates by providing them employee selection and employee management tools. Jezzal's solutions include Triple Power VIP Career Assessment, Scrupulously Designed and Proficiently Curated Training Programmes and Publications exclusively serving the Career Domain. All the solutions are designed by the exotic amalgam of Vedic and Scientific tools and techniques which are developed with an aim to fulfil the ultimate motto of JEZZAL- "Jazzing-Up Careers; Refining lives".







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